Where are we going?

by: anonymous

The technology is evolving fast and I think humans can't get rid of it. Now there are tablet PC's. This is a smaller version of LCD monitors of computers. As to where we're heading? We can only guess... But in my own point of view technology is just worsening the lifestyle of the world. Yes we are very reachable in some ways such as communications and information... But we are also prone to damage our relationship because of friction. Maybe you can understand me when I say the more we interact to each other the more the probabilities we can make emotional friction that will result in a not so pleasant situation. Let me tell you an example... Let's say, you have a two pieces of bamboo wood, and you continuously clash that stuff and you will soon create a fire - that's friction!

Now humans have this kind of situation wherein technology is vastly accepted. The captains? people behind microsoft, creators of software and hardware, then social network, and the list go on as I am writing this.

I am having a technology review because of the fact that I am in this era where people are into this.I don't have a choice but to be here. I am here too. My existence just got me here. So maybe, I have something to tell you people? Lol.

The technology  had made the world real small. I remember when I was like 9 years old and I saw a telephone. And then my mom want me to hold it and talk because there is someone she said I know also talking in the line. I was so nervous then, that I even have my tears fallen-what a shame on me. I didn't know what that kinda gadget is, that time but, I know people are talking about it. I can even hear song lyrics mentioning that gadget! Where are we heading Mr. Alexander Graham Bell?

I've mentioned the thought-where are we heading or much easier to say, where are we going? Now we are connected, I mean interconnected. A lot of people now use Skype, and Facebook, where we can communicate and and interact. I hope we cannot clash that much like a bamboo wood that can create fire because of constant friction. 


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